Do you have the ability to sustain yourself and your family for at least 72 hours (3 days), should an emergency event arise?

The decisions you make now will determine how well you will be able to live during and potentially after an emergency in your area.

Consider a major fire sweeping through your community, a flood event restricting access to community centres or an extended power outage that lasts days! Are you, your family, friends, and community prepared for life during and post-disaster?

Imagine not being able to access money via ATMs or banks, gas supplies cut off, fuel stations closed for extended periods, no access to electricity, or even running water?

Preparing yourself to be resilient for 72 hours may be the difference in how well you survive the next emergency event.

Being Wimmera 72 prepared is as simple as having an emergency kit that will allow you and your family to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours during an emergency.

Don’t forget to complete and exercise your Redi Plan, and place a copy in your Wimmera 72 kit.

Useful Resources

The Wimmera Emergency Management Resource Sharing Partnership has prepared some great resources to help you plan and prepare for an emergency.

Are you Emergency Aware?

You never know when you might be faced with a fire, flood or storm. This brochure provides you with important information to help you to prepare, understand the warnings and stay informed during an emergency.

Three steps to Emergency Preparedness

If an emergency happens, you should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 72 hours. This brochure provides you with a few simple steps to become better prepare to face an emergency anytime, anywhere.

Brochures in Other Languages

The above information is available in Karen language

Emergency Awareness Brochure – Karen
Three Steps to Emergency Preparedness Brochure – Karen

Are you Fire Ready?

The Wimmera Emergency Management Team has prepared Fire Ready Guides for areas of EXTREME bushfire risk in the Wimmera.

Use these guides to help you and your family plan and prepare for bushfire.